Ohhhh it's way past my bedtime. I just wanted to give a brief update of how
orientation is going. I finally got my laptop customized a bit with a little bit of incredimail, which is a bitch to configure and met with advisors and whatnot. I got a little bit of info about the afro-latin percussion ensembles and got the forms for private lessons [which i found out that i could get for credit]. i found out about the bike coop, where you can either rent a bike or work for 10 hours a week and learn to build your own. i also made an appointment with counseling services over at the hospital for thursday with a lady named Ellen, of whom I hear great things...
I got to see my sister and law this morning, as she and my brother's advisor facilitated an amazing introductory session that literally brought tears to my eyes. i dropped off my class schedule to my labor department so that i could be assigned my hours began making plans to get my stuff organized in a paperless fashion as electronic backups to the notes i constantly scribble down when i came upon this:
the site can be found at: http://iscrybe.com/main/index.php yeah, it's the same long ass video....
oohhhh my life's happiness is contingent upon being allowed to have access to one of these... i thought i was going to cry when i found out that they had restricted access to it. it's like finding the holy grail of organizers and then being told that you can't be let into "the kingdom" because you have fallen short somehow... why couldn't i have known about this sooner. the sucky part is that i make NO MONEY and even though there is a sense of desperation... I NEED THIS ORGANIZER!!! I can't even afford to bribe them into letting me use this program. I wonder what my soul is worth in terms of currency. They can have free banner space or use my bandwith or whatever. I just want a piece of that action....
Oh I do hope they'll let me try the next prototype. I did however, get to finish a couple of preliminary playlists that I'm sure if you remember to shuffle first you will highly enjoy...
The Zen Spot as I like to call it is mostly indie cuts [there are a few pieces of crap songs from Shayne Ward in there from where I got kinda lazy once I realized I could just drag sections on there... feel free to hit me back in the event that you stumble across any certified garbage and we'll get rid of it.
Then There's The Movement, inspired by so many things, but I think that you'll find if there was any aspect of my street cred in question, I have redeemed myself. But as in the zen spot if you feel that there's something on here not worthy of making it to the list... by all means let me know. [i will not be removing elliot yamin just to let you know in advance... i tried to keep things diverse, but i know i missed some artists as well... so feel free to request it.]anyway, i met some pretty cool cats this week. one in particular, a few minutes after that last post who is a fan of the drums, wants to travel and used to do shrooms so they had sort of an understanding of the significance of what i did in terms of paradigm shifts and expansion of consciousness. i also talked very briefly about starting a movement on campus to try and get a vegetarian kitchen going [coop style] so that we could use our "Berea Bucks" to get a better quality of food because I don't think my bowels can take all of these preservatives and overstarched, unrecognizable things they are trying to feed us. Even the salad and fruit selections are limited. You'd think they'd at least have the decency to provide us with a granola bar so that we can make our own trail mix to subsist of... but then again, dried fruit isn't exactly inexpensive anymore. It could be a cool start up. I may have to discuss it with my advisor and food services or something. but i can guarantee there's interest... hopefully it's already in the works...
we also saw this pretty incredible production called American Voices that took sensitivity training to this whole other level. If you like the Vagina Monologues, you will highly appreciate the producer's direction: find out more about it at their company's site: http://www.willandcompany.com/voices/index.shtml
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