Friday, June 27, 2008

Shifting the Paradigm: Does Conscious Intent Exist?

@ What Point do we draw the line between actually believing we can do something and limiting ourselves to believe that reality doesn't make allowances for us to realistically achieve our aspirations. I mean damn, I went from hearing "you can be or do anything you set your mind toward to being berated and told, "you're so naive", "your ideas are too grandiose", "you need to be more realistic or balanced". Ain't that some sh*t? I don't quite understand it myself. But then again, usually the first people to criticize are the ones who aren't quite doing well themselves. Why is it that only athletes and pyramid scheme orators [oops, I mean motivational speakers,] take the time to encourage people past the point of young adulthood. I feel like the second I graduated from high school people stopped telling me that the future was mine and started telling me that I was gonna have to work like a slave to just to break even. And that kind of threw me for a loop for a while because at some point I began to believe that nonsense and suddenly these "false prophets" had convinced me that their view of what my existence was going to manifest was simply going to fulfill itself. I'd end up tired, miserable, and working 80 hour weeks to get by unless I wanted to end up broke, slinging groceries, and yearning for so much more. I'm not knocking it, it can be a totally respectable profession depending upon how you carry yourself. But try to tell your slack-ass co-workers that [although admittedly it doesn't apply to everyone, only most].

I mean let's think about it. What about when people grow up institutionalized or conditioned toward believing they have limited opportunities. Or what if they believe that they don't have the capacity to transcend their circumstances; be it their environment, intellect or perceived juxtaposition in life. Does the labeling of archetypes, race and class identifications and disparity among health care, distribution of wealth and educational opportunities contribute to the nihilistic belief that particular individuals just don't have what it takes to be successful? Or, are these just a self imposed constraints resulting from narrowminded thinking and a limited consciousness or state of being?

There are some who believe that what we can and cannot manifest into reality originates from our thoughts and are determined by our own state of mind. In order to translate our ideas from mental images into reality, we first must possess the belief and the creativity and effort to bring these ideas about... or to become "actualized". Unfortunately, many people consciously create ideas, solutions or responses to things but do to the lack of effort or misdirection of their intentions to pursue them effectively or wholeheartedly, these ideas never get the chance to manifest themselves into reality. Consequently, a lot of times we fail to realize just how we may unconsciously bring about challenges into our lives as well for no other reason but our inability to see outside of the box or because we possess the wrong attitude.

The question that many have been asking more recently after taking some time to explore this phenomenon is this:

Is the act of manifestation or conscious creation the result of a deliberate conscious intent, or simply the predetermined causal response of the limitation of each individual or particular archetypal physical or mental limitations. Alternatively, in the event that one's ability to be successful or limited is determined by conditioning, can this behavior be UN-learned or reconditioned to produce a different outcome? Or, is there something bigger or greater, outside of ourselves that ultimately has control over the outcome? According to social learning behavior theory...

Social learning theory, later renamed social cognitive theory, proposes that behavior change is affected by environmental influences, personal factors, and attributes of the behavior itself. Each may affect or be affected by either of the other two. A central tenet of social cognitive theory is the concept of self-efficacy. A person must believe in his or her capability to perform the behavior (i.e., the person must possess self-efficacy) and must perceive an incentive to do so (i.e., the person's positive expectations from performing the behavior must outweigh the negative expectations). Additionally,a person must value the outcomes or consequences that he or she believes will occur as a result of performing a specific behavior or action. Outcomes may be classified as having immediate benefits (e.g., feeling energized following physical
activity) or long-term benefits (e.g., experiencing improvements in
cardiovascular health as a result of physical activity). But because these
expected out-comes are filtered through a person's expectations or perceptions of being able to perform the behavior in the first place, self-efficacy is believed to be the single most important characteristic that determines a person's behavior change. Self-efficacy can be increased in several ways, among them by providing clear instructions, providing the opportunity for skill development or training, and modeling the desired behavior. To be effective, models must evoke trust, admiration, and respect from the observer; models must not, however, appear to represent a level of behavior that the observer is unable to visualize attaining.

( found @ )

It has been noted that during neurological conditioning and response that:

classical conditioning - conditioning that pairs a neutral stimulus with a stimulus that evokes a reflex; the stimulus that evokes the reflex is given whether or not the conditioned response occurs until eventually the neutral stimulus comes to evoke the reflex

Or rather that during the process of neurotransmission, that as receptors become accustomed to receiving signals triggered by a stimulus that in effect they become conditioned to elicit a particular response once this pattern is continuously reinforced [as in addictive behavior or when children develop certain behavior patterns through learning and discipline].

passage of signals from one nerve cell to another via chemical substances or electrical signals.

more can be found @

The media uses advertising to appeal to this response by generating hype or excitement around a particular product. They sometimes also can simulate a need or create the idea for a perceived need and lack that we feel compelled to respond to fill this need; ie as in for love, fortune, fame, beauty, acceptance and success...essentially anything that will boost our "street cred"). This does not just happen in the media. Biologically and even at the quantum algorithmic level we are programmed with every fiber of our being to look for opportunities to fulfill particular needs in order to feel rewarded or at homeostasis with our surrounding environments and with the identification and ego development of our emerging self. The more our environments change, or we are exposed to variances of situations, the more these needs adapt anc change in order to create the response or environment that resonates or attracts and entrains the result we want. Otherwise we end up feeling unbalanced, unstable, and not at ease until we can find something or create an alternative to pacify the need for the time being [what Amit Gotswami refers to as situational creativity].

Even a molecule, in its most fundamental state, must form bonds arranged according to what will justify its need in order to achieve stability, otherwise it is stuck in a state of transition and flux and constantly must seek out the resources it needs and are scarce and may limit it from being able to effectively produce anything until that sybiotic homeostasis is achieved.

Only in a highly energetic or transitional realm with an abundance of resources, viable alternative resources, and space to transform and grow can one element make that quantum and transcendental leap toward new promise and opportunity. But in most cases, we are creatures of habit and genetic disposition because we are molecularly made up that way. The only way that we are used to making growth is through a drawn out series of cross correlative and algorithmic systems that are gradually integrated through the process of growth repair and change that takes place over time.

But does this mean that we are bound to these predispositions due to our makeup or can our established behavioral patterns, within the right conditions and pushed beyond the established parameters be effectively unlearned.

In physics, the term retentivity refers to: the power of retaining; specifically : the capacity for retaining magnetism after the action of the magnetizing force has ceased. It refers to the process of pattern recognition and reinforcement in magnetic attraction that enables a connection to stay bonded after it has intially been made.

Because any type of conditioning is a series of patterns that must be reinforced, the series must be drastically halted and reprogrammed/ reconditioned in order to produce new results. In some cases, in which the pattern of replication or general makeup are so ingrained that to undeo it would appear to lead to the destruction of the foundational structure or the organism itself; be it molecular , organic or a state of mind, it must be augmented instead by simply reinforcing the strong, healthier parts and training/ disciplining the more adverse mal-adaptive components to lie dormant or become vestigial. This does not mean that those traits aren't still fundamentally a part of the makeup. It just means that the parts that are more accessible and utilized become more prevalent during this exchange of growth.

This exercise does not just apply to the growth and development of molecular structures but also translates to the creation of ego development as well. Unfortunately, the reverse is also true when negative attriutes and behaviors are reinforced in this manner. Like when people hide the warmer, softer side of themselves, or their intelligence in order to fit in, or convince themselves that these are weaker charcteristics and should be disregarded in order to gain acceptance among less reputable peers. What people don't realize is that there is a considerable amount of latent energy that is burned off in the process toward achieving those ends that often isn't taken into account. When this energy is in alignment with the pre-existing need or is conducive to the surrounding environment, it moves as if it is guided or conditioned to follow a certain behavior and once reinforced becomes consistent with what is "learned". When met by resistance, however, or becomes out of alignment with serving its initial purpose, the energy becomes scattered or redistibuted to alternatively gratify the preexisting need or supplement the need in different areas. This accounts for the seemingly erratic diffraction of energy and pattern recognition and why it appears to at times impulsively jump from place to place.

Often the distractions of the environment create a situation where the energy exerted can't adequately find what it seeks, so it must either continue to exert energy and find the resources that it needs to replenish itself; squander that energy thereby releasing and diffracting it into other areas, or take what it can from the surrounding environment and external stimuli and merely try to sustain itself through maintenance and repair until the resources become available.

This series of processes applies to biological, cognitive, and mechanical functions as well. One could even go so far as to express these principles in other contexts as well. Think about the principles of economics and how the laws of supply demand work in terms of redistribution, surplus, and scarcity. Individuals and organizations must be able to sustain themselves before they can allocate resources to effectively serve a larger function [as is applicable with any mechanical function]. The intial intent is to ensure that the needs are met to enable the structure/ system to function properly. If those needs can't be met, the structure must make the neccessary modifications to grow, mend it's internal operation, or expand in order to maintain its existence.

Even in algebraic expressions, balance must be achieved to produce a particular result. In the result of inequity, a process of redistribution must occur to regain that balance. At times, when enough information is not given, cross correlations, or a system of expressions must be used to derive the appropriate allocation of variables of an unknown integer to approximate and later precisely deduce how to reallocate the integers, or in the case of physicality, a resource.

Most poignantly, this process is often overlooked, in finding cross correlations and redistributing energy to seek out resources using the mind. Many people become so focused upon the need itself, that they fail to notice the energy they project into a situation. They are also unaware of their intentions behind the perceived need and how it can attract or repel the types of energy that are conducive toward magnetizing or yielding a desired result. They are often oblivious that their energetic patterns often create a recognition response for the type of reaction or response that they receive. The response is merely a reflection of their own actions or intentions. Other times they become so focused upon reacting to the external energy, be it positive or negative that they fail to realize how energy can be redirected or resources can be reallocated or aligned to better attract the things we want or need. They simply write this phenomenon as causality or fate, and in more traditional cases have even gone so far as to attribute what happens naturally to some sort of "divine providence" or metaphysical power.

True their is a higher power that encompasses all material things and the spaces in between. What many people tend to overlook, often due to conflicting doctrines or teachings is that this omnipresence of power is embedded deeply into each and every one of us. We just drop the ball when it comes to understanding that or how to tap into it. Rather than looking toward the heavens for some sort of divine intervention, we could be using the well spring of natural capacity to create and execute deliberate action because in the quantum mechanistic sense, associated with actual physical reality [which in the world of neo soul is often referred to as physicality], power actually comes from within ourselves; our minds and bodies and consciousness. This capacity is embedded within every cell and living follicle that has the ability to respond and choose their own direction. We are not at the mercy of some unstoppable dichotomy of good and evil forces, but rather are rooted in and affected by our own organic states of stability, transition and growth or decay, depending upon how consistent our energetic expenditure and intentions are with our intended objectives.

How does this translate into our consciousness? There is a debate among scholars as to whether or not our individual consciousness derives from a greater, more uniform "collective" and shared state of consciousness. What can be agreed upon by many, is that in addition to being able to respond to the affectations of our environments, we possess the gift of awareness of our ability to respond and "choose" not only how we direct our energy, but also the perceptions and the intentions behind it. Just by re-evaluating the things that affect us and reconsidering how we perceive these things, or our attitudes regarding them, we can cause such a paradigm shift in our consciousness that it begins to redefine our existence [or our identification or perception of it] as we know it.

What am I talking about? Your attitude biotch! Take those stank attitudes, those half-assed mentalities, and that attention starved chaos ensuing drama elsewhere where they will put up with your nonsense. Because as long as you keep putting that energy out there, that's the kind of energy you are going to get back and attract unless there happens to be a situation that is forgiving enough to make allowances for that kind of thing and can deflect or redirect that energy elsewhere... or find a way to construct it into something positive... a safer place if you will. Anything that's met with that type of negative mindset will be met with conflict and resistance and to engage in it would be to essentially create more problems or exacerbate the existing ones. Then, you will have conditioned yourself into either fulfilling the need for negativity by drawing it into and projecting it around your life and into the lives of others or you've resolved to remain unbalanced and in need of satisfying some unfulfilled need and either self destructing or depleting other resources around you or find the resources that you can to get by until you can find the necessary resouces to help you dispel this pattern and repair those areas with something more rewarding. In itself this can be the "drastic ego death" or moment of clarity that is needed for growth and humility.

Once that misinformation of energy and inten is expelled, through personal growth, education, discipline, and practice [a positive way to reinforce this new information or new patterns], one can begin to learn what is need in order to "magnetize" the things that are needed to successfully improve one's self and circumstances in one's life. But this all starts in the mind and one must work inward if they are ever going to get the most out of their experience. This begins with first believing that one can improve and second making the decision and actions that are consistent with bring those results about. This includes, but is not limited to disregarding people who try to tear down your dreams or expectations, because more often than not the people who would have the audacity to do such a thing aren't quite living the heightened state of cognizance or "spiritual awareness" themselves. Otherwise they wouldn't be telling you that you couldn't or shouldn't be doing things. Your future and your outcomes are contigent upon your intentions and your actions. So in answer to the question; does conscious intent actually exist? It appears that one cannot ever be "actualized" without it.

"To be enlightened is to lighten up"

-Mike Meyers (Guru Pitka)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Book Money

Welcome to my New Site: I am trying to get ready for school and since I make close to minimum wage I am putting this preliminary post up to try and collect donations for money for books and any other preliminary expenses that will be coming up. While this site is currently under construction, [hopefully the official launch date will tentatively be July 12th] I would like to use this time to extend appreciation toward those who have helped me along and to put out there that I would appreciate any further assistance, be it financial, or personal, guidance, support and so forth that I can. I also would welcome gifts of the electronic nature [particularly a Wii Sport, a digital camera, digital camcorder, or , voice recorder, PDA, or webcam so that I can keep things organized, fit, and keep you posted in the flyest way possible [consider this my registry]. Also care packages and cards would be recommended. In the meantime, I am working very hard to get myself prepared for the long relocation for Berea, so get your time in with me while you can, because I plan upon being very busy once I leave and have not yet determined whether or not I will be coming back to stay. This would be the perfect time to take up collections, throw themed boyage or congratulations benefits, or whatever you can creatively come up with to help me as I embark upon the next part of my journey into the successful adult world.
Peace, love, and stay connected.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

A State of becoming...

This is going to take forever, so just bear with me until I get all of the logistics worked out.

I'm going to add more about going to school and embarking into my journey into the clean tech industry. But right now my time is up [we must achieve that balance...] and I've got studying to do. So I'll catch you on the flip side....

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