Nothing says normalcy like doing a little bit of yardwork and playing with my little niece and her dog. This is only some of the stuff I have been doing since I made my little trek up to this little corner of the world. My last living situation made my new one look like I'm living with the Cosby's so it's been a lot easier to put that nightmare behind me. I already sense that I'm going to be doing well here. It's a pretty small and rural place, but I think the lifestyle here will give me the opportunity to thrive.
The common theme here is artistry [more so with crafts], service learning through labor, and sustainability, which is right up my ally. I haven't seen much of the famed "diversity" yet, but I did notice the telltale signs of culture and diversity around the campus, so I think I'll find myself pleasantly surprised.
The good news is, I got my room and labor assignment. I will be rooming in a single, attached to a suite with air conditioning and a kitchen and working in food services [although that will probably only last a semester] for the upcoming year. Word on "the street" is that I really lucked out with that, but I think because I was so worried about coming in and being so much older than the other students they probably took that heavily into consideration. I'm also going to be staying in one of the upper classman [all girls] dorms even though its my first year here. I have orientation on Friday, where I will have the rest of my registration taken care of and my aunt will be speaking here for something or other sometime this week, so now i just play the waiting game and really try to settle into my new life. Finally, a moment to breathe....
Piety is a Lie to Me, so Full Meme Ahead
2 days ago
Welcome to Berea! I'm the campus Sustainability Coordinator (as well as a Berea alumna) and would love to meet you once you settle in... Your blog looks interesting; I think we have a lot in common!
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