-- Delfin Knowledge System
How to Best Approach Anxiety Stress Relief
Anxiety stress relief can help many people with excessive tension in their daily lives. With the globalization and intense work environments, many people experience overwhelming pressure both in their work and personal lives. It can damage us in so many ways physically and emotionally. Physically, it weakens our immune system and make us prone to many diseases. Emotionally, it pressures our minds and make us very tired to carry on our daily routine. Anxiety stress relief techniques can help us cope better with intense pressures.Instructions
Step 1One of the best anxiety stress relief techniques is to talk to an understanding friend about your stress and anxiety. When people tell someone about their difficult situation, it will automatically relieve some of their stress. It is just the way our body works. That's the reason why woman cope with stress better than man. They are better at communicating their problems.
Step 2Another anxiety stress relief technique is to have a pet. According to the experts, people that have pets are happier and deal with stressful situations better than those without. Animals are our best friends indeed.
Step 3One anxiety stress relief technique that is widely used by women: retail therapy. Although shopping relieves our stress, we shouldn't do it too often because spending money on a routine basis is bad for our finances and retirement.
Step 4Another anxiety stress relief technique is by relaxing your body. Take a hot shower will help relax those tense muscles and help you fall asleep better. Right before going to bed, sit in your chair and listen to some calming music. It will help put your body in a sleeping mode.
Step 5Manage your stress by regularly exercising. Take a yoga class at your local gym to help your body anxiety stress relief.

-- Mike Todd
Daily Stress From Your Work Routine
Source: Work Place Stress
How much Daily Stress From Your Work Routine
do you have?When you go to work do you run, run, run and seem to
get little done with only a headache or sore muscles
at the end of the day?Your work routine may be causing you unnecessary
Stress. Here are a few things to help with the stress.Schedule your work routine with a break so you can
relax and get refreshed, then return to work with a
fresh, relaxed mind. You don’t need an hour or two,
just take a few minutes through out the day to relieve
your Stress.Have you ever noticed that when you are in a time
crunch your mind fills up with racing thoughts and it
gets harder to think clearly?Information overload is the cause, your brain can only
work on one thing at a time and you are trying to work
and also keep track of the time. To break the habit of
always working in a time crunch, break down large
tasks into smaller manageable steps with a short break
between each step..If you can’t break the task down try to do the task
early in the day while you are still relaxed and your
mind is uncluttered. Then when you need a break do a
small easy or repetitive task that will rest your mind
from heavy thinking before returning to the big task.Sometimes a small change in your routine will yield
big benefits at the end of the day. Daily Stress from
Your Work Routine can be stop with a little planning
and a few rest breaks during the day.
I've been working on it. Trying to be more positive. There's still a little bit of backlash from my crash earlier this week. I failed a calculus quiz. But I worked so damn hard at it I think my professor felt sorry for me. He said that those who had good class attendance would get their lowest quiz and exam grades dropped. Good thing I kept going instead of hiding in my room all day, eh? Honestly, the thought crossed my mind. I even found myself thinking of just skipping town and going on a bender, which is odd only because I haven't done anything that reckless in 10 years. I'm getting closer to being caught up. And by getting closer I mean that my iscrybe is packed to the gills with scheduling. if you saw my schedule you'd want to cry. i mean it isn't even realistic, and I've dropped everything extracurricular that isn't mandatory... part of where the panic came from. I'm going to have to redefine me time to simply getting all of these assignments sorted out with a hot cup of tea (no chamomile, no refined sugar, no caffeine) and if I'm lucky, perhaps I can play a movie in the background during one of my assignments that doesn't take as much concentration. Like my oral presentation that I have to give on Tuesday on Origen of Alexander. I was fortunate to have been wise enough to compile 10 pages of info on him with the corresponding websites last week. I couldn't tell you where my partner went. Honestly, I think he fell off the wagon... which I prepared myself for.
Last night was a weird night. It seemed that just as I was saddling up again, other people were descending into their 1st round of mid semester breakdowns. Or preparing themselves. When the library closed (...I've been studying with the Africans and Tibetans to compensate for the TA thing because they're patient and they're good at math. But I don't want to wear out my welcome. They're only helping me to be kind...) I headed over to the cafe to do some chemistry, because I didn't trust myself to be in my room alone, and my RA was pretty shaken up because they'd killed George off of Grey's anatomy (which I definitely didn't see coming) and cranked out some of THE most focused and productive studying I've done. It did not help me have a clue what was going on during this afternoon's Chemistry quiz. It was quite simply the wording, and the fact that I have no way of keeping up with what's being said as I write it down. I've identified one source of the problem. Actually I encountered it first when I was assigned to cover a convocation on the spot ( I wasn't even on the clock, nor did I have my equipment and my supervisor was being a jerk about it because I didn't just flat out say no... we won't go into that one).... but as I'm sitting there anxiety ridden, pissed because the request was not only unreasonable as I had no time to prepare, but also because the convocations are literally the only time I get to space out for a second... to just stop. When I say I have no free time, I literally have no free time. Save the 20 minutes I allot myself to throw these posts up (which accounts for the bulk of the grammatical errors).
Plus the guy was my friend and instead of upsetting him, I simply shut down and I guess he called himself flagging me down afterward while a friend of mine was talking me out of an anxiety attack and he overheard the parts I said, not about him as a person, but about the request being unreasonable. So now I have that on the brain as well. So yes, on paper everything is a total train wreck. And I have to crash for an hour or two just to create more hours in the day... well and to move forward from whatever the previous fiasco was at the time. But I got everything done that I could possibly do. But it wasn't good enough. And that hurts. I think that's what I've been dwelling on and it's stripping away my ability to focus upon the broader spectrum.
While I was updating my schedule on iscrybe I stumbled across my yearly goals on the thoughtpad and I've accomplished everything this year I've set out to do except I regressed on the negativity part and that has only been out of panic. Verbally I'm no Debbie downer, but mentally Debbie Downer needs to be shut down. I think that was the only part of my healing process that I didn't have mapped out was how to integrate positive response to challenges into my routine. Repetitive motion leads imprints in our habits, in our neural networks and in our DNA. Things I used to do before I became ravaged of time that rejuvenated me were:
repetitive motion activities:
- drumming
- poetry
- macrame
- mandala pics
- daily routines (like eating meals at specific times, or going to bed or exercising repeatedly)
- running
- meditating
- word games and puzzles: like anagrams, and cryptograms
- cooking
- washing dishes (I have Thich Nhat Hanh to thank for that one, because I used to not care for it very much.
- rafting
- hiking
- blowing bubbles ( I think it's associated with breath control as well as the motion)
- Typography
- Reading EcoTech & Innovative Design articles (my mind unfolds as I try to study how the pieces were constructed)
- I loved good wine (reading about it, pairing it with food, the aroma of it, swirling the glass)
- Yoga & Pilates
I could keep going on, but I haven't found that any of those activities work in the middle of class when I get a test back that I've failed, or better yet keep me calm while I try to make sense of what is on the test. But on my own I do remarkably well once I've been shown the correct way to do it. I'm like an elephant, but I'm very thorough. I need to really understand it if I am to remember it and sometimes the pace is a bit too much for me, especially since everyone seems to be moving at that pace and taking my out of class time too. I have to fabricate study time by altering my sleep schedule which is just (marginally healthy because I do make sure I sleep) but my REM cycle is only for a few hours at a time and I know I'm going to pay for it eventually.
Starting a meditation practice
All you need to start meditating are:
- A quiet environment. Choose a secluded place in your home, office, garden, place of worship, or in the great outdoors where you can relax without distractions or interruptions.
- A comfortable position. Get comfortable, but avoid lying down as this may lead to you falling asleep. Sit up with your spine straight, either in a chair or on the floor. You can also try a cross-legged or lotus position.
- A point of focus. Pick a meaningful word or phrase and repeat it throughout your session. You may also choose to focus on an object in your surroundings to enhance your concentration, or alternately, you can close your eyes.
- An observant, noncritical attitude. Don’t worry about distracting thoughts that go through your mind or about how well you’re doing. If thoughts intrude during your relaxation session, don’t fight them. Instead, gently turn your attention back to your point of focus.
The biggest things that are advocated for stress relief are mediation, mindful eating and exercise. I've only got time to do one of these things despite my better attempts to do the others. I started back exercising this morning and it helped for a bit. It's been to rainy to run outside, and it's about to get cold so I just ran the stairwell to my suite up and down a few flights. I think I did it about 8 or 9 times until I build up a sweat to see if I could expel some toxins. I got my music back. Youtube was being a bit tricky on me and wouldn't let me search through the playlists. I listed it on my other site so I wouldn't lose it again. Also, the Complete Idiots Guide to campus safety lists some good tips on page 209 (see ebook here) but the timing for our workloads may not always be feasible. meh! i suppose a person can only do so much, eh?
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